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Summertime Watermelon & Radish Salad

Cool and refreshing salad for a warm summer day!
Very easy to make, just takes watermelon, a little bit of fresh radish, pantry seasonings, and 1 lime per serving.

Source: Our farm manager (Entered by Christie Roberson)
Serves: 3+

3 cups watermelon
3 limes
1 cup radish
1/4 tsp roasted ginger
1/4 tsp black pepper
1/4 tsp salt

Step by Step Instructions
  1. Chop your watermelon into bite sized pieces, remove all seeds. Fill 3 bowls with the chopped watermelon.
  2. Thinly slice the radish, and chop the slices in half, or quarters, depending on the size of the radishes. Add this to the bowls.
  3. Juice the 3 limes into a glass and season the juice with roasted ginger, black pepper, and salt, to taste. Stir the juice and spoon it over the watermelon
  4. Enjoy! Garnish with fresh chopped mint


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