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Homemade Yogurt!

So nutritious and delicious, and unbelievably easy!

Source: our farm manager (Entered by Christie Roberson)
Serves: 3 quarts ish

1 gallon raw cow's milk
1 cup yogurt

Step by Step Instructions
  1. Heat the milk to 180 degrees F, stirring often.
  2. Let it cool on the countertop for one hour. Skim off the top, and let it continue to cool until it is around 113 to 115 degrees F.
  3. Stir or whisk in the 1 cup of yogurt. If I don't already have a "starter yogurt" I like to use Plain Chobani Greek, from the store.
  4. Put the lid on, and let it sit in the oven undisturbed for 6 to 10 hours. Note: The sealed oven helps keep the temperature consistent throughout this ripening process. No need to turn the oven light on, or anything.
  5. After 6 to 10 hours, you will have yogurt! Strain it through cheesecloth if you'd like it thicker, like Greek-style. Otherwise, it is ready to go. Refrigerate and enjoy for up to one week, you can also freeze some for smoothies.
  6. Note: The recipe can easily be scaled down in size, if need be (:


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