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Waldorf Chicken Salad

Great on its own, over a bed of lettuce, or on a sandwich/wrap!

Source: Our kitchen (Entered by Christie Roberson)
Serves: 4

1 pkg Chicken breasts, diced
1 Cup Red grapes, halved
1 whole Apple, diced
3/4 Cup Walnuts, chopped
3 ribs Celery, diced
1/2 Cup Mayonnaise
2 Tbsp Lemon juice, or half a lemon’s worth
salt and pepper to taste

Step by Step Instructions
  1. Boil the chicken breasts, then dice them, and make sure they are fully cooked. Let cool in the fridge. Note: For extra flavor you can sear them in a hot, oiled pan to get them golden with flavor.
  2. Next, chop your grapes, apple, celery, and walnuts. Place in a large bowl.
  3. When the chicken is cooled, add it to the bowl. Add the lemon juice, and finally, add mayonnaise and salt & pepper to taste. Stir it up and enjoy on its own, on a bed of lettuce, or on a sandwich/wrap. I like to add some lettuce, tomato, and red onion to a wrap- yum!


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