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Tomato Dill Soup

A rich flavorful bisque, pairs lovely with homemade bread,

Source: The Gourmet Cookbook (Entered by Christie Roberson)
Serves: 8

12 large tomatoes, chopped
2 med onions, chopepd
4 Tbsp butter
1 tsp minced garlic
6 Tbsp flour
2 tsp tomato paste
6 Cup chicken bone broth
1 Cup heavy cream
2 handfuls fresh dill, chopped
1 tsp salt and pepper to taste

Step by Step Instructions
  1. First, make your roux. Melt the butter and garlic, then whisk in the flour. Add the chicken broth, and let simmer, stirring often.
  2. In a separate pan sauté the onions, then the tomatoes, and add to the liquid when finished.
  3. Slowly stir in the heavy cream, tomato paste, and dill. Let simmer till all of the flavors marinate together. Be careful not to boil. Add salt and pepper to taste, and serve with your favorite bread.


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