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Roasted Leg of Lamb

Leg of Lamb is an exceptional cut that is full of flavor, and makes a very classy meal.

Source: Inspired from website (Entered by Christie Roberson)
Serves: 6

1 2-5lb Leg of lamb roast
1 tsp salt
7 sprigs fresh rosemary
3 Tbsp garlic paste

Step by Step Instructions
  1. Lightly drizzle a cast iron pan with olive oil, then lay down two sprigs of rosemary. Place the thawed roast on top of the rosemary. At this time, pre-heat your oven to 350°F.
  2. Next, make 5 deep slits into the roast and pack full of garlic paste
  3. Then, add a sprig of rosemary to each slit
  4. Heavily salt the top of the roast, and then place the pan into the oven
  5. Depending on the size of your roast, check it after 1 hour of baking. You want the internal temp to be 135°F, for a perfect medium
  6. Serve with your favorite side dish, and mint jelly.


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