This is the place to see what we have for sale and for on-line ordering.
To learn more about us, in general, visit our blog page: Green Family Farm
You may browse the market at any time by clicking: [The Market].
To make a purchase, you must first create an account, by clicking [Sign In]
Before doing so, please visit our [Q’s and A’s] section to answer any
questions you might have and to learn more about our farm and our farm market.
If you have a question that was not answered, please e-mail the market manager. May all your days be sunny and bright!
Click the appointment button below to schedule a farm tour
This page will email you a new password to your account for this market. It'll be a random string of characters, so you'll want to change it to something more memorable.
Reset Your Log In Info
Thank you for your interest and support of sustainable agriculture.
This market is using the Locally Grown online farmers market system. More information about how your market or farm can also use this system can be found at Legal information about using this website can be found at